State Resources – College Resources

2008 EUDL College Discretionary Lessons Learned


Lessons learned from the 2008 EUDL College Discretionary grantees, which may be of interest to those that work with or plan to work with college/university campuses and their adjacent communities.

Campus Safety Flyer (IL)


The campus safety flyer was created to raise awareness about a rise in crime alerts involving UI-Urbana/Champaign college students requiring medical attention due to over consumption and incapacitation from alcohol; and provides tips for how students can help address these public health and safety issues.

Champaign Police Department “Notice To Appear” Citations for Alcohol-related Offenses (IL)


No Report Notice to Appear
Instructions for City Ordinance Violation

To more efficiently collect data about alcohol-related offenses by college students, visitors, and residents, the Champaign Police Department developed a ticketing system that captures information about alcohol-related incidences that is used to advise alcohol policy development/enhancement and alcohol enforcement. The intent of the reporting system is to improve public safety, public health, and well-being of college students and the general population of Champaign and surrounding communities. Sample forms include 1) No Report Notice to Appear Citation (front side), 2) No Report Notice to Appear Citation (back side), and 3) Notice to Appear – Report Required Citation.

Clemson University Underage Drinking Prevention Media Campaign (SC)


Clemson University launched a campus-wide media campaign during the 2010-2011 school year that focuses on the underage student. The “Did You Know?” campaign raises awareness about the legal drinking age and definition for “possession of alcohol”. The message is part of Clemson University’s enforcing underage drinking laws (EUDL) college discretionary work and overall strategy to promote a safer, healthier, and legal college environment that will improve student retention and academic achievement.

Clemson University Underage Drinking Prevention Media Campaign (SC)


Clemson University launched a media campaign during the 2010-2011 school year that focuses on the adult provider in off-campus housing. The “Did You Know?” campaign raises awareness about the legal drinking age; and laws and consequences for providing alcohol to students under the age of 21. The message is part of Clemson University’s enforcing underage drinking laws (EUDL) college discretionary work and overall strategy to promote a safer, healthier, and legal college environment that will improve student retention and academic achievement.

Community Coalitions and Colleges: Collaborating to Address Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TX)


This paper provides information about forming partnerships and fostering relationships on college campuses and surrounding communities to reduce underage drinking and high-risk alcohol use and abuse.

Furman University Underage Drinking Prevention Campaign (SC)


Information cards

Furman University launched a campus-wide underage drinking prevention campaign during the 2010-2-11 school year that focuses on the adult provider and underage consumer. The campaign raises awareness about the laws, campus policies, and legal consequences of providing alcohol to students under the age of 21, and consuming alcohol underage; and sends a clear message that underage drinking will not be tolerated. Outreach materials include student information cards and door hangers disseminated throughout residential life. The message is part of Furman University’s enforcing underage drinking laws (EUDL) college discretionary work and overall strategy to promote a safer, healthier, and legal college environment that will improve student retention and academic achievement.

University of South Carolina (USC) Social Host Media Campaign (SC)

USC_Minor Problem_FinalApprovedbyOJJDP021710.JPG

USC launched a campus-wide media campaign during the 2010 school year that focuses on the adult provider. The campaign raises awareness about the laws, campus policies, and legal consequences of providing alcohol to students under the age of 21; and sends a clear message that provision of alcohol to underage students will not be tolerated. The message is part of USC’s enforcing underage drinking laws (EUDL) college discretionary work and overall strategy to promote a safer, healthier, and legal college environment that will improve student retention and academic achievement.

Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day (USPD): “the OFFICIAL word” (IL)


The USPD “the OFFICIAL word” flyer was created to support enforcement and prevention efforts in the cities of Champaign and Urbana during the 2011 USPD celebration, which is an annual, unsponsored and unsanctioned alcohol-fueled event attended by college students from multiple States. The flyer raised awareness about the laws, policies and legal consequences of underage alcohol consumption and provision of alcohol to students and guests under the age of 21. The zero tolerance message was accompanied by high visibility enforcement and alcohol restrictions.