
The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) provides certificates

of attendance at all training. These certificates may be used by attendees to seek Continuing Education

Units from various entities. The UDETC has already obtained approval from many States for various training.

If a training is not pre-approved, the UDETC is willing to assist in supplying information that will aid

in the approval process.

Any of the trainings below may be curtailed to address the specific needs of the host site. If you are interested in attending a training in your local area, please contact the Program Manager for your state.

Environmental Strategies Training

This training is designed to increase the participant’s skill level and understanding of environmental prevention practices and share effective strategies for States and/or communities to address AOD problems from an environmental standpoint. Key points covered in the training include:

  • an introduction to the concept of environmental prevention – clarifying the difference between individually focused prevention and environmental prevention
  • discussions of the importance of taking an environmental approach to addressing AOD problems
  • provision of concrete examples of effective environmental prevention strategies

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Environmental Strategies On and Off College/University Campuses

Colleges and universities play a vital role in affecting the social norms and attitudes of their communities regarding access to alcohol by minors, enforcement of the underage drinking laws, and the resulting consequences of underage drinking. This training addresses concerns of underage drinking on and off college/university campuses and increases participants’ skill level and understanding of implementation of environmental practices. Learn how colleges and universities can partner with community organizations and enforcement officials to create a safer environment for youth through policy change initiatives, consistent enforcement, and strong social norms against provision of alcohol to underage youth and underage drinking. Campus administration, faculty, staff, campus enforcement, local enforcement, students, parents, alumni, community stakeholders and the criminal justice system are encouraged to attend.

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Local Environmental Change Training

The local environmental change options area provides practical guidance to participants in organizing to implement changes in community environments to aid in reducing underage drinking by making the job of law enforcement easier. Training topics may address the following:

  • Restricting the type, location, and number of commercial alcohol outlets
  • Requiring commercial outlets to use responsible sales and service practices
  • Constraining minors’ access to noncommercial sources of alcohol
  • Controlling alcohol pricing and promotion
  • Motivating law enforcement and community partnerships
  • Developing community profiles regarding underage drinking
  • Providing coalition management and sustainability

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Media Advocacy

Media Advocacy is designed to provide participants with the tools and skills necessary to work with the media to advocate for change within their community. This training is not only geared toward communities and states that have not yet worked with the media or that are uncomfortable working with the media but also to groups that are starting more advanced media campaigns and need some assistance in coordinating a media plan. Written materials developed and collected for the OJJDP Media Advocacy Training will support the activities, knowledge and skills presented in the workshops. Workshops can be tailored to cover any of the following topics:

• Planning a media strategy to compliment a community’s overall underage drinking prevention strategy

• Strategies and tips on how to gain access to the media

• Strategies and tips on developing “media bites” that will assist communities in their media campaigns.

• Spokesperson training – participants will go through a series of exercises to assist them to be effective spokespeople for underage drinking prevention.

• Media and law enforcement – provides tips and recommendations for law enforcement officials on how to approach and work with the media on underage drinking issues.

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Resident Assistants Training

This training focuses on strengthening college residence prevention teams with state-of-the-art enforcement tools and prevention strategies, and assists participants in developing personalized campus training plans using evidence-based strategies for creating and sustaining prevention programs that lead to a healthy, safe, and legal campus environment. Participants will gain skills in effective team building, planning for enforcement and prevention of underage drinking in the residence system, and awareness about public safety and health issues within campus environments. Interested parties are encouraged to bring a campus and/or community team inclusive of law enforcement, judicial

officer(s), and campus-housing administration.

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Training of Trainers

The goal of the Training of Trainers (TOT) is to build expertise and capacity within each State. All enforcement, environmental strategies and media advocacy training can be tailored and presented to advocates who want to become trainers on any one of these specific topics in their own States and communities. Participants will work with nationally recognized UDETC trainers on curriculum development and workshop facilitation.

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Training to Native American Communities

The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) currently has an initiative to assist Native American communities across the country to address underage drinking by providing technical assistance and training relevant to this population. UDETC, in coordination with several Native American communities, has developed a curriculum to address the particular needs of tribal communities to preventing underage drinking. Participants will work with Native American prevention specialists to plan and implement effective strategies to reduce youth access to alcohol.

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