Law Enforcement Training

The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) provides certificates

of attendance at all training. These certificates may be used by attendees to seek Continuing Education

Units from various entities. The UDETC has already obtained approval from many States for various training.

If a training is not pre-approved, the UDETC is willing to assist in supplying information that will aid

in the approval process.

Any of the trainings below may be customized to address the specific needs of the host site. If you are interested in attending a training in your local area, please contact the Program Manager for your state.

Detecting Fraudulent Identification – Fake ID’s

The manufacture and use of fraudulent documents is a threat to our country on many levels.  The manufacture and misuse of fraudulent documents by those under the age of 21 is a significant problem for retail licensees, their employees and for law enforcement.

The development and application of technological advancements have transformed the old paper license into a security laden document.  Security features such as holograms, micro printing and security paper are used by the governmental entities that produce the driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.  But these technological advancements are often used by those who manufacture fraudulent identification and perpetrate the fraud that is so widespread in our country.

The UDETC fraudulent identification training provides law enforcement officers with the following:

  • An understanding of the issue and the scope of the problem.
  • How young people obtain false identification.
  • Comparison examples of legitimate and fraudulent documents.
  • Techniques and tools to aid in the detection of the fraudulent documents.
  • Ways to provide alcohol retailers with guidance in detecting false IDs.

Training attendees will receive both classroom and hands-on training offering a practical and comprehensive approach to this problem.

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Enforcement on College Campuses

Alcohol is the number one drug choice of youth. Colleges play a vital role in affecting the social norms and attitudes of their communities regarding access of alcohol to minors, enforcement of the underage drinking laws, and the resulting consequences of underage drinking. Participants will learn about effective enforcement operations on and near college campuses that can result in lower alcohol-relates problems.

Enforcing Impaired Driving Laws with a Focus on Youth

While much progress has been made, alcohol related traffic crashes are all too common among young people. Motor vehicle crashes are still a leading cause of deaths and injury in this age group. This training provides information on enforcement strategies to reduce impaired driving among youth. Participants can use this training to:

  • Gain an understanding of impaired driving issues as they relate to young drivers;
  • Learn about the evidence of effectiveness of zero tolerance laws to prevent youth from driving with even small amounts of alcohol;
  • Identify the barriers to enforcement of laws regarding impaired driving among youth;
  • Learn about strategies to overcome these barriers.
  • How to increase the visibility and impact of this important legislation and enforcement operation to reduce underage drinking and driving.

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How to Conduct Compliance Check Operations

This training provides guidelines and operational information on reducing sales of alcohol to underage purchasers through compliance investigations of alcohol retailers.

It presents the rationales for carrying out these investigations and emphasizes the importance of reducing youth access to alcohol.

Participants in the training will:

  • Gain an understanding of the issues related to underage drinking and the retail availability of alcohol to underage purchasers.
  • Motivate policymakers, communities, and law enforcement to place greater emphasis on compliance investigations and prevention of underage drinking.
  • Provide step-by-step guidelines for carrying out compliance investigations.
  • Identify barriers to compliance investigations and approaches to overcoming these barriers.
  • Utilize compliance investigations efficiently and effectively to deter sales to minors and demonstrate community norms against underage drinking.

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Operations to Reduce Third Party Sales of Alcohol to Underage Youth

This training is designed to give an overview of the strategies that can be used in states and communities to prevent third party transactions of alcohol to youth and to address these sales if they are occurring.

Participants in this workshop will learn about the following:

  • Research related to third party transactions’ contributions to underage drinking
  • Existing laws and ordinances that can serve as tools to prevent and address third party sales
  • Enforcement strategies for preventing and addressing third party transactions, both stranger sales and familiar exchanges
  • Strategies for increasing community support and political will re: addressing third party transactions

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Party Patrol and Controlled Party Dispersal Techniques for Preventing and Breaking Up Underage Drinking Parties

This training discusses the role of enforcement and community agencies in preventing underage drinking parties and safely dispersing them when they do occur. It describes the problem of underage drinking in general and youth drinking parties in particular. This training presents:

Proactive approaches to underage drinking parties that can help to prevent them before they start and minimize the potential for tragedy an d exposure to liability while maximizing opportunities to educate the public on the dangers of youth and alcohol.

  • Information on how to use enforcement campaigns to bring about changes in community norms concerning underage drinking and parties.
  • Information on the operational steps that should be taken to prevent and disperse underage parties.

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Policing the Cyber World for Underage Alcohol Issues

Underage drinking continues to be one of our nation’s greatest public health challenges.  Our EUDL strategy has worked to educate law enforcement officers on the importance of enforcing the underage drinking and access laws.  The UDETC offers basic and advanced training for law enforcement in the areas of compliance checks, party patrol and controlled dispersal and fraudulent identification.  The UDETC offers companion programs focused at communities and their partners on the use of media, environmental strategies and best practices.

Many law enforcement and community people have some knowledge about the cyber world and the impact of social networking web sites.  Today social networks are public places for young people to share information outside of the tradition communications systems and experimenting with sites to interact and connect with one another. The technology on line leaves a digital footprint and can be used by law enforcement and community groups to aid them in their investigations.

The new “Policing the Cyber World for Underage Alcohol Issues” training will be developed for use by both law enforcement and communities.  Key points covered in the training include:

  • Attendees will learn the fundamentals of the internet
  • How social networking websites function,
  • How to access these websites for the purpose of gathering information related to underage alcohol problems and what can be done with the information gleaned from the searches. 
  • Law enforcement will be training on gathering evidence, issues of admissibility and case preparation related to prosecutions initiated through cyber world law enforcement operations.
  • Whenever possible attendees will be using computers to follow the instructor to various sites and learn the subtle navigation tips and techniques.

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Techniques for Managing Special Events

This training will identify the complex nature associated with special events and the need for effective planning, proper management, policy application, and enforcement at the event. The training will demonstrate how alcohol at special events increases its complexity and how implementation of various alcohol policies and enforcement of those policies can be effective in curtailing alcohol related problems often associated with such events. Outcomes of poor planning and effects of zero tolerance will also be reviewed. Key points covered in the training include:

  • Planning
  • Liability
  • Types of events (Concerts, sporting events, fairs/festivals, etc…)
  • Awareness building
  • Alcohol Control Techniques
  • Training of Key Stakeholders (bar personnel, enforcement, volunteers)
  • Enforcement Efforts

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Source Investigations

Alcohol fueled crimes including underage drinking are a health and public safety problem across the country.  The number of deaths and injuries that occur from alcohol related crimes is staggering. DWIs/DUIs, alcohol poisonings, drowning, falls, fights, suicides, and sexual assaults are a few of the serious incidents that create health and public safety problems for a community.  Some of what participants will gain in this training includes:

  • The scope and problem of underage drinking.
  • The scope and problem of over service of alcohol to of age adults.
  • Why conduct source investigations.
  • The necessary logical steps involved in conducting source investigations.
  • The outcomes of a good source investigation.

Source investigations can be an important tool for states and communities to use in preventing and responding to underage drinking and other alcohol related crimes.  Source investigation training provides law enforcement with another tool in the alcohol prevention tool box that goes the extra mile to holding adults accountable for their actions.  The long and tireless process that is a source investigation from the tragic alcohol related incident to its final adjudication of an adult provider (both criminal and civil) pays off in the prevention of underage drinking and improving the health and safety of the community at large.

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Training of Trainers

The goal of the Training of Trainers (TOT) is to build expertise and capacity within each State. All enforcement, environmental strategies and media advocacy training can be tailored and presented to advocates who want to become trainers on any one of these specific topics in their own States and communities. Participants will work with nationally recognized UDETC trainers on curriculum development and workshop facilitation.

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