THE UDETC Resource Alert is GOING GREEN!

THE UDETC Resource Alert is GOING GREEN!

We are excited to share our new efforts to be environmentally friendly! Starting with

our November 2012 issue, all issues of the Resource Alert will be delivered electronically!

You will receive the monthly UDETC Resource Alert Newsletter, Success Stories, Bi-Monthly Legal Cases and the Webinar Calendar in addition to any Late Breaking News all in one monthly package. Receiving the mailing electronically also gives you the opportunity to share this news with others, who like you, are committed to reducing underage drinking.

If you would like to sign up for the Resource Alert send your name and email address to [email protected] and you will receive the full issue every month via our electronic listserv; or if you do not have an email address and need to receive the hard copy mailings, simply call us toll

free at 1-877-335-1287 to request hard copy mail delivery.

We thank you and so does our environment!

Medical Reviewer