Welcome to the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center Website.


to the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center Website.

On this site you can find out about Center services to assist

states and local communities in their efforts to combat underage

drinking and related problems though enforcement of alcohol


How Are We Doing?

UDETC Reaches

Out in a Time of Need

As reports from the damage and destruction caused by

Hurricane Katrina come in, we are asking the UDETC family

around the country to take a moment of silence for those

whose lives, homes, and properties have been affected

by this devastating storm. As a professional team we

fight state and local issues of underage drinking but

as a personal team we share the pain and concern of

our neighbors. Let’s join together and send a

prayer or positive thought to those in Louisiana, Mississippi,

and Alabama. We will be in contact with impacted states

to see if we can support them in any capacity. We will

keep you updated.

For information on donations, volunteer opportunities

and local information go to CNN’s webpage at:



Resource Alert – January 2006

Binge Drinking Linked to US Death


A University of Washington study indicates that 63,718 deaths

could be attributed to alcohol use (2000), which is 4% of

all deaths for males and 1.5% of all deaths for females. Motor

vehicle crashes were the most frequent cause of death for

binge drinkers, according to the study. “In contrast

to many other causes of death, deaths from alcohol are due

to preventable, high-risk behaviors”, stated Dr. Frederick

Rivara, the principle investigator for the study. For more

information on this study, go to: http://uwnews.org/article.asp?articleID=5253&Search=Binge%20Drinking.

International Studies Related to Underage Drinking

Binge Drinking Episodes and Dementia Potential

A Finnish study found that dementia is connected to repeated

use of alcohol to the point of drunkenness. The threat for

dementia later in life is tripled when a large amount of alcohol

is drunk on one occasion per month, despite periods of non-alcohol

use in between. The study also points out that individuals

who pass out due to alcohol use at least twice a year are

at 10 times greater risk to develop mental illness. The overall

message from the study is that it is not necessarily the amount

of alcohol consumed, but the pattern of drinking that influences

dementia. To read the full text and to see further information

on this study, log on to: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051130/hl_afp/finlandhealthdrinkalcoholresearch_051130150528

Lowering the Drinking Age and Car Crashes

According to a study based on data from New Zealand, conducted

by Robert Voas, Ph.D., at the Pacific Institute for Research

and Evaluation, lowering the drinking age increases car crashes

among youth. The study found that the rate of traffic crashes

and injuries increased 12% for 18-19 year old males and 14%

among 15-17 year old males in the four years before and after

the New Zealand legislature lowered the drinking age to 18.

For females, rates rose 51% for 18-19 year olds and 24% for

15-17 year olds. The study estimated that 400 serious injuries

and 12 deaths each year among 15-19 year olds would not occur

if New Zealand raised their minimum legal drinking age. Currently,

there are five U.S. States that have legislation pending to

lower their minimum legal drinking age. This study will be

published in the January 2006 edition of the Journal of American

Public Health.

January Audio-Teleconference Call

Alcohol is a major problem on university campuses and often

turns up as a factor in cases of vandalism, physical and sexual

assault, and poor academic performance. A “dry campus,”

by definition prohibits alcohol at any university-owned property,

as well as at any school-sponsored event, be it off-campus

or on-campus. A conventional counter-argument to a dry campus

policy has been that if alcohol is banned on campus, then

students will increase off-campus consumption. The audio call

will address research on Dry and Wet campuses and environmental

strategies used to address their challenges and accomplishments.

You can register for this month’s call at www.udetc.org/Registration.asp.

To print a hard-copy of this month’s Resource Alert

and view it’s flyers, click on the following link: www.udetc.org/documents/ResourceAlerts/ResourceAlert0106.pdf.


Medical Reviewer