Selected Resources on Underage Drinking



of the Problem









Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1998). Youth Risk Behavior

Surveillance-United States, 1997. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,



Grant, B. F., &

Dawson, D. A. (1997). Age at onset of alcohol use and its association

with DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence: Results from the National Longitudinal

Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey. Journal of Substance Abuse, 9, 103-110.

Miller, T. R., &

Covington, K. (1999). Adolescent deaths attributable to underage drinking

and to other illicit drug use. Landover, MD: National Public Services

Research Institute.

Miller, et al. New

costs document

Minneapolis Department

of Health and Family Support. (1998). Youth access to alcohol research

project: Focus groups report. [Minneapolis, MN]: Author.

National Highway Traffic

Safety Administration (NTHSA). (1999). Traffic safety facts 1998 – Alcohol.

Washington, DC: Author.


NHTSA. (1998). Youth

fatal crash and alcohol facts, 1997. Washington, DC: Author.

National Institute

on Drug Abuse. (1998). National survey results on drug use from the Monitoring

the Future study, 1975-1997: Volume 1. Secondary school students (NIH

Publication No. 98-4345). Washington, DC: Superintendent of Documents,

U.S. Government Printing Office.

Office of the Inspector

General. (1991). Youth and alcohol: laws and enforcement: Is the 21-year-old

drinking age a myth? Washington, DC: Author.

O’Leary, D., Gorman,

D. M., & Speer, P. W. (1994). Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors.

Public Health Reports, 109, 816-818.

Presley, C. A., Meilman,

P. W., & Cashin, J. R. (October 1996). Alcohol and drugs on American

college campuses: Use, consequences, and perceptions of the campus environment.

Vol. IV. 1992-94. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,

Core Institute.

Presley, C. A., Meilman,

P. W., Cashin, J. R., & Leichliter, J. S. (1997). Alcohol and drugs

on American college campuses: Issues of violence and harassment. A report

to college presidents. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University at

Carbondale, Core Institute.

Preusser, D. F., Williams,

A. F., & Weinstein, H. B. (1994). Policing underage alcohol sales.

Journal of Safety Research, 25(3), 127-133.

Wagenaar, A. C., Finnegan,

J. R., Wolfson, M., Anstine, P.S., Williams, C. L., & Perry, C. L.

(1993). Where and how adolescents obtain alcoholic beverages. Public Health

Reports, 108(4), 459-464.

Wagenaar, A. C., &

Wolfson, M. (1994). Enforcement of the legal minimum drinking age in the

United States. Journal of Public Health Policy, 15(1), 37-53.

Wechsler, H., Dowdall,

G. W., Maenner, G., Gledhill-Hoyt, J., & Lee, H. (1998). Changes in

binge drinking and related problems among American college students between

1993 and 1997: Results of the Harvard School of Public Health College

Alcohol Study. Journal of American College Health, 47, 57-68.

Wolfson, M., Toomey,

T. L., Forster, J. L., Wagennar, A. C., McGovern, P. G., & Perry,

C. L. (1996). Characteristics, policies and practices of alcohol outlets

and sales to underage persons. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57(6), 670-674.

Resource Materials

Enforcing the underage

drinking laws program: A compendium of resources, Office of Juvenile Justice

and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), 1999.

Available from: National Criminal Justice Research Services (NCJRS)

Online version:

Tips for teens about

alcohol, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), n.d.

Available: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI),


Teen drinking prevention

program, CSAP, 1995.

Available: NCADI,





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