National Electronic Seminars Schedule

April 22, 2010 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. EST

Parties on Wheels: Responding to the Enforcement Challenges of “Booze Buses”

In some college communities “booze buses” sponsored by alcohol establishment corral underage drinkers from college dorms taking them to and from the downtown bars under the thin guise of a “safe ride” program. Elsewhere buses, aided by viral marketing, pick up high school and college age youth in suburban parking lots to take them to certain downtown bars where they will be served. Join us to learn how police and communities are working together to enforce underage drinking laws and the handle the challenges that “booze buses” pose.

May 20, 2010 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. EST

2010 ID Update: What’s in Your Wallet?

Many young people under the age of 21 continue to look to commercial sources of alcohol as their preferred option to acquire alcohol or as a place to socialize with over 21 friends. To get to these sources many rely on misrepresenting their actual age by the use of fraudulent identification.

Not that many years ago, a driver’s license was a folder piece of paper using dot matrix printing to print information. Today’s driver license may contain more security features for use by law enforcement and others who have a need to verify the authenticity of the card. These features may include ghost imaging, guilloche patterns (fine lines), an ultraviolet light feature, microtext, 1D and 2D bar codes and more. So how can retailers keep up with this information? Does your law enforcement agency have the right tools to make evaluations of authenticity? What do community members need to know to support law enforcements efforts to address fraudulent identification?

Lt. Jim Wilson and Investigator Wilochoski will take us through some of the changes and additions adopted by many states and governmental entities as the move forward in the production of their documents. They will also discuss some of the tools available and needed in order to properly recognize many of the new security features.

June 17, 2010 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. EST

Addressing Underage Drinking in Military Communities: Effective Strategies Used to Reduce Alcohol-related Incidence Rates by Underage Airmen

The “Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Discretionary Program: Initiative To Reduce Underage Drinking” was designed to reduce the availability of alcoholic beverages to and the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons serving in the United States Air Force (USAF) and under the age of 21. Presenters will share information about innovative solutions to unique challenges and successes achieved through community mobilization, collaborations with military bases, enforcement practices, policy development, and strategic use of media to advance program goals.

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